Are you looking to buy an ‘affordable’ home in Bangalore?

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The decision should not be driven by the angle of investment or rental income

Investment in real estate is a commonly prevalent tendency amongst the middle, upper middle and upper classes. They look at it from the point of rental income and/or market value appreciation in the medium to long term.

So from a judicious point of view, in the context of the Central Government’s announcement of having included ‘affordable housing’ category in the infrastructure segment in vogue, you should not be searching for this category of housing for rental income generation and/or market value appreciation. In other words, looking for ‘affordable houses’ in the current connotation, necessarily excludes the investment angle. This is for the consumption of those aforesaid classes commonly interested in real estate investment opportunities. For more updates about affordable homes in Sarjapura Road, visit

Affordable homes are not investment worthy. Keeping in tune with affordability, the quality of construction could be average with only basic amenities and constructed in the periphery of a city or town which in the future may not offer the desired return on investment.

The purpose of promoting affordable homes in tune with the “Housing For All by 2022” goal is to offer the possibilities for that section of society for whom the dream of living in own house remains a dream because of affordability issues; and instead becomes reality. So it is for those who wish to invest and dwell in it. For best developed and approved plots in Bengaluru, visit

Another foreseeable possibility is the target of building 2 crore affordable houses by the Government aegis would invariably leas to a problem of plenty; such an eventuality could be deterrent to the investment motive. Further, getting loans from financial institutions may not be easy because the lenders would be cautious due to aforementioned concerns.

In fact, the entire purpose of the Government to make a section of people to live in their own houses would get defeated if these types of homes considered as an investment. Looking to buy affordable plots in Bengaluru visit

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