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First time home buyers may consider the process as a challenge. Apart from finding the right home that fits into your budget, there are a whole lot of legal processes attached to it. To help make you process a cakewalk, we put forth some handy tips for you –

  1. Ask yourself why you are buying the housing unit. Are you looking for renting it so as to clear your loan repayments? Or are you looking forward to independence?
  2. What is the type of home you are interested in? The choices are manifold – apartment, villas, flats, houses, bungalows, etc.
  3. Any specific features that you yearn for in the housing unit you buy – like any specific location you are looking for. For instance in Bangalore, is your choice South of the metro or towards the North.
  4. How much can you afford? Weigh down your budget and how much you can spend on your first home.
  5. How much home loan are you eligible for? With your salary and other things into consideration, find out how much home loan you can procure.

Do not fall into the influence of others while purchasing a housing unit. Weigh the pros and cons and take a wise decision.

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